

歧视 has no place in education. 阿尔伯马尔学院(COA)尽一切努力确保第九条符合安全的学习和工作环境. 请注意,COA的所有员工都必须报告任何已知或可疑的第九条申博官方. If you need assistance, we are here to help.

1972年的教育修正案第九条是一项全面的联邦法律,禁止在任何联邦资助的教育项目或活动中基于性别的歧视. 2013年的重新授权扩大了性别偏见的定义,将性侵犯也包括在内, 性骚扰, dating and domestic violence, 和被人跟踪. 第九条 is in place along with the Clery Act, 《申博平台》和《申博平台》,以确保安全和健康的学习环境. COA致力于提供一个没有性别偏见的教育和工作环境.



Treatment in favor of or against a person, 以受保护的特征(如性别)为基础的组或类, 比赛, 宗教或残疾.


对某事发生或做某事的肯定同意. Silence is not consent.




Violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social, romantic or intimate dating relationship with the victim. The existence of a dating relationship is based on length, type and regularity of interaction between the parties involved.


Sometimes called intimate partner violence. Crimes of violence committed by a spouse or former spouse, 与受害人共有子女的人或与受害人同居的人.

违背个人意愿或无法给予同意的任何形式的身体性行为. 性侵犯包括强奸、强奸未遂、性胁迫和性殴打.

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, 以及其他与性有关的言语或身体行为,造成敌对环境或将服从作为雇佣条款, 学术成就, 评估或评分.

使一个理智的人担心自己或他人的安全的行为, including unwanted communications or contact, 骚扰 by an individual or third party, use of menacing gestures, 追求或跟随, 监测, trespassing or cyber跟踪.



  • If you’re going on a first or blind date, 和一群朋友出去,或者去公共场所,比如餐馆.
  • 确保你的手机充满电,并且你有打车的钱.
  • 要知道酒精和毒品可能会降低你的性压抑, and can impair your judgment and ability to make clear decisions.
  • 如果你在酒吧或派对上,要时刻带着你的饮料.
  • 知道自己的性极限,在任何情况下你都有权说不. Communicate your limits firmly and directly.
  • Listen to your gut feelings. 如果一种情况看起来很可疑,或者你感觉自己可能处于危险之中, leave immediately and go to a safe place.
  • Use the buddy system and agree to look out for each other. Let your friends know if you plan on leaving with someone, where you’re going and when you’ll be back.

问题? 联系 any member of COA’s 第九条小组.

Be an Active Bystander

如果你认为有人有遭受性侵犯的危险,就把它当作紧急情况,并参与其中. Don’t wait for someone else to act.


  • Approach everyone as a friend.
  • Don’t be aggressive or violent.
  • 注意自己的安全.
  • Get help from other bystanders if necessary.
  • Call the police if the situation becomes dangerous.

Other Ways to Combat 性侵犯

  • Talk to friends who have expressed violent feelings or behaviors.
  • Assist them in getting help from a professional counselor.
  • Speak up against jokes about 性侵犯.
  • Educate people about 性侵犯.

Victim’s Rights Provisions

Sexual misconduct is not tolerated at COA. 有关性侵犯、约会或家庭暴力以及跟踪的报告都会受到严肃对待. 让受害者(投诉人)了解情况、得到保护和尊重是很重要的. The following rights are afforded to any COA student, staff or faculty member who experiences such an incident.


Above all, a victim’s confidentiality must be protected. 然而, when COA needs to act to protect the safety of others, absolute confidentiality may not be possible. COA将尽可能保护您的机密,并将采取合理措施回应您的请求, but cannot guarantee anonymity.


If you or someone you know has experienced sexual 歧视, 骚扰, 攻击或暴力, we encourage you to immediately report it, but it’s your choice whether or not to report an incident. 您可以向第九条小组的任何成员或COA员工报告. Faculty, staff and students may submit a 第九条 incident report form to a member of the 第九条小组.

No 联系 and Protective Orders

COA将履行通过当地法院获得的任何保护令. 请携带法庭命令副本到校园保安处执行. 除了, 一旦申博官方报告给第九章协调员,COA行政禁止联系令可由该办公室创建.

Preserving Physical Evidence

If you’re considering criminal prosecution, it’s extremely important to preserve all evidence of an assault. 如果你因为性侵而去医院, 你有权参加一次免费的证据收集考试(SANE考试).


你可以要求改变学习环境(班级或校园)或工作任务,以便更清楚地与被指控的犯罪者分开. Such a request will be granted to the greatest extent possible.

Fair, Impartial Investigation and Resolution



威胁, 《申博平台》和联邦法律禁止对不当性行为进行恐吓和任何形式的报复, and may be grounds for disciplinary action.

Confidential 资源


Albemarle Hopeline 252-338-3011
代尔县热线 252-473-5121
The North Carolina Coalition Against 性侵犯 (NCCASA) 919-871-1015


投诉人和被投诉人的正当程序权利都将受到保护. Both parties will receive written notification of their rights.

  • 投诉人和被投诉人都有权在与调查有关的任何会议或程序中选择一名顾问在场.
  • 顾问可以是投诉人或被投诉人选择的任何人,在调查和聆讯过程中提供意见和支持.
  • 顾问可以出席调查和听证的所有阶段, but is not allowed to actively participate.
  • 当投诉人在被投诉人面前感到不自在时,顾问可以在调查和聆讯中充当投诉人的耳目.
  • 在收到不当性行为投诉后10个工作天内, 被投诉人必须收到关于涉嫌违规行为的书面通知,以使一个理性的人认识到该指控与本政策中对被禁止行为的定义是一致的.
  • 被告必须有机会听取证据,并就指称的申博官方陈述他或她的观点.

请参阅我们的 Student Code of Conduct (PDF) 对于所有政策, 程序, 对任何类型的性别偏见提出申诉和可能的纪律处分, 歧视, 跟踪, 性侵犯, 骚扰 or violence.



Atixa 第九条 Coordinator
252-335-0821 ext. 2236

Atixa 第九条 Coordinator
252-335-0821 ext. 2251


Atixa 第九条 Investigator
Paperclip 第九条 Investigator and Adjudicator
252-335-0821 ext. 7020